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No Shortage of Flavor: Ernesto Perez-Carrillo’s Short Run 2010

Posted by dabyrdman33 on June 24, 2010

I had the opportunity to grab my first Ernest Perez-Carrillo Short Run while making a “short run” to Richmond, VA last weekend to run an errand. Havana Connections happened to have several on hand and I decided to pick up three in anticipation of enjoying and ultimately reviewing the cigar. This is the second cigar released by the newly formed EPC Cigar Co. preceded only by the EPC Inaugural 2009. If you wish to read more of the story of EPC Cigar Co. and its creator, you can find it here. Here’s my take on the cigar…

EP Carrillo Short Run 2010 Populares
Size: 50 ring x 4 7/8 inches
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Dominican Republic/Nicaragua
MSRP: $6.50 plus tax

Construction: While EPC Cigar Co. is headquartered in Miami; this cigar is manufactured in the Dominican Republic. The first thing I noticed is the presence of the second band just below the EP Carrillo band denoting the “Short Run”. The cigar is firmly packed at the head with only one noticeable soft spot below the 2nd band. Overall, this cigar appears to be very well constructed and the only blemish that I see was caused by the tobacconist due to a misplaced pricing sticker. The wrapper leaf is a clean chocolate brown color with visible oiliness and a few small veins.

Pre-light: The cigar again has the characteristic barnyard aroma with some sweet tobacco. Upon clipping the cap, the pre-light draw is medium (not too tight or too loose) with a dominant flavor of rich tobacco.

First third: Right off the bat, this cigar delivers with a punch of rich tobacco flavor in the first puff. Subsequent puffs produce lots of thick white smoke and a peppery spice on the retrohale. The burn is fairly even at the outset. As I reach the first inch, I am noticing a really rich smoked wood flavor. The cigar is definitely medium-bodied in that it is very flavorful with a decent finish, but certainly not heavy or overpowering on my palate. The cigar does not seem to be very strong; however, I would classify it as a medium strength cigar. The ash is slightly flaky, but appears to be firm and is holding for about an inch.

Second third:  As the cigar progresses through the midpoint, I am noticing that the smoky wood notes have picked up considerably. The flavor is really good and very reminiscent of barbeque smoke. I am still getting the sweet spice on retrohale which to me is the perfect complement and balance to the smoky wood flavor. As I approach the first band, the sweetness is starting to fade. The burn is still pretty even and I have not had to touch up the cigar. I am smoking fairly slowly since I am also carrying on a conversation with a friend who has stopped by for a visit. I must say that I think the pace at which this cigar is smoked does have a direct effect on the flavors since they seemed to be more pronounced and discernable when the cigar is burning cooler. A faster rate of smoking and more heat I think would begin to diminish the flavors of this cigar. The cigar is still very much a medium-bodied/medium strength profile.

Final third:  After removing the bands, the sweetness that I enjoyed in the first two-thirds of the cigar has transitioned to leather. The smoky wood flavor has mellowed somewhat into more of a lighter cedar wood flavor. While I expected this cigar to go one way or the other in terms of strength, it is still medium-bodied & medium-strength. The burn has evened itself out after becoming slightly irregular just below the band. The cedar flavor continues to build in the last inch and a half of the cigar. Upon smoking further, now the smoky wood is back again. The complexity of the cigar is really showing in the final third with some very nice flavor transitions. Having reverted back to the flavors from the first third, I think the cigar appears to be picking up steam for a big finish. Once again, the rich tobacco is back with the smoky wood. I am still getting some spice on the retrohale, but the sweetness has disappeared. Moments later, light cedar & sweet spice make a return. I must say I am really enjoying the back & forth transitions in this cigar. It really is giving me the sensation of smoking two cigars at once.

Overall: My experience with the EPC Short Run 2010 was definitely full of surprises and very enjoyable from beginning to end. At $6.50 for the Populares vitola, this cigar has a great price for the complexity and the number of flavor transitions. I must say I was on my toes for the last third of the cigar. I placed a direct inquiry to Mr. Perez-Carrillo as to why the Short Run was priced at half the price of the Inaugural 2009. He provided a very prompt response explaining that the higher cost of the Inaugural 2009 was due to the packaging, tobacco used (specifically the wrapper) due to its cost and rareness, and the limited production. This cigar is definitely worthy of consideration for anyone’s humidor if you like “change of pace” cigars. I am not much on ratings but I would give it a solid 4.5 out of 5 on my “scale”. I would also recommend that if you have not tried this cigar, grab some quickly because they have been disappearing rapidly. Let me know what you think, leave me a comment with your experiences with the EPC Short Run.

Happy Smoking

-Da Byrdman-

One Response to “No Shortage of Flavor: Ernesto Perez-Carrillo’s Short Run 2010”

  1. Ashley,

    Great review, again.

    I got a lot of that sweetness too, in the fist half of the cigar. Great transitions in this smoke, like you noted.

    We’ve already been through 4 boxes at the store, bet we go through all we can get. Ernie said they’re going to try to have these through at least IPCPR, so I’m looking forward to smoking a LOT more of them.

    Great job again.


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